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First of all, I'm not responsible for any errors that would occur in either of these large party scripts whether they are used with the SBS scripts or not.
Here's how you get your party script and the Tankentai SBS working with more than 4 party members.
For whichever large party script you use, this first step is the same:
# Battle member starting positions
# X Y X Y X Y X Y
ACTOR_POSITION = [[415,120],[435,150],[455,180],[475,210]]
# Maximum party members that can fight at the same time.
# Remember to add/remove coordinates in ACTOR_POSITION if you adjust
# the MAX_MEMBER value.
MAX_MEMBER's value must be the same as the value you set in your large party script.
In the ACTOR_POSITION array, you need to add in enough coordinate pairs to accommodate the size of your party. For example, if I wanted the max party to be 5 in battle, I would go into whatever large party script you're using and change the max member value in there to 5. Then I would make "MAX_MEMBER = 5" and ACTOR_POSITION to be:
ACTOR_POSITION = [[415,120],[435,150],[455,180],[475,210],[490,240]]
If you are using KGC_LargeParty:
Go into KGC's script and make sure MAX_BATTLE_MEMBERS is the same value as MAX_MEMBER in the SBS Configuration script.
# ◆ Maximum Party Members (In Combat) ◆
# Allows you to choose how many actors may participate in a battle.
Party switching in battle works with the basic Sideview script, but won't work with the ATB script. To make the ATB have no issues with KGC Large Party, go into the large party script and find USE_BATTLE_PARTYFORM and make it false.
# This toggle allows you to enable/disable the Party Formation option while
# in combat.
# This option is added under the "Run" or "Escape" command.
If you are using the ATB, you need to do one more step!
In ATB Configurations, look for this section:
# ● Actor ATB Gauge Positions (Applies only if ATB_POSITION_HPWINDOW = true)
# Individual Positions: Actor 1 Actor 2 Actor 3 Actor 4
# X Y, X Y, X Y, X Y
ATB_PARTY_POSITION = [[158,318],[158,342],[158,366],[158,390]]
# Please remember to add/remove coordinates whenever you change MAX_MEMBER
You need to add an extra pair of coordinates to ATB_PARTY_POSITION array. These coordinates define where ATB gauges are placed. If you do not add more coordinates for each member, you will get an error on line 1550 or around it.