Vagabond Lv.5
Age : 30 Inscrit le : 22/02/2010 Messages : 76
| Sujet: [Script] Condition: Appui d'une touche (avec l'ABS) et activation d'un interrupteur en script [Résolu] Jeu 6 Jan 2011 - 18:37 | |
| Bonjour à tous ! Me voilà confronté à deux nouveaux problèmes de script. La 1ère: (Plus compliqué.) Voilà. Je souhaiterai la condition 'si la touche 'W' est pressé' en script. Le problème, c'est que je possède ce script: - Code:
#============================================================================== # Requiem Keyboard (Thanks to Aleworks to source) #============================================================================== Requiem_Masterpiece.register("Requiem Keyboard", 1.0, "08/01/2009") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Keys Keyboard = "PT-BR" Mouse_Left = 1 Mouse_Right = 2 Mouse_Middle = 4 Back = 8 Tab = 9 Clear = 12 Enter = 13 Shift = 16 Ctrl = 17 Alt = 18 Pause = 19 CapsLock = 20 Esc = 27 Space = 32 PGUP = 33 PGDN = 34 End = 35 Home = 36 Left = 37 Up = 38 Right = 39 Down = 40 PrintScreen = 44 Insert = 45 Delete = 46 Num0 = 48 Num1 = 49 Num2 = 50 Num3 = 51 Num4 = 52 Num5 = 53 Num6 = 54 Num7 = 55 Num8 = 56 Num9 = 57 A = 65 B = 66 C = 67 D = 68 E = 69 F = 70 G = 71 H = 72 I = 73 J = 74 K = 75 L = 76 M = 77 N = 78 O = 79 P = 80 Q = 81 R = 82 S = 83 T = 84 U = 85 V = 86 W = 87 X = 88 Y = 89 Z = 90 Win = [91, 92] Apps = 93 Pad0 = 96 Pad1 = 97 Pad2 = 98 Pad3 = 99 Pad4 = 100 Pad5 = 101 Pad6 = 102 Pad7 = 103 Pad8 = 104 Pad9 = 105 Multiply = 106 Add = 107 Subtract = 109 Decimal = 110 Divide = 111 F1 = 112 F2 = 113 F3 = 114 F4 = 115 F5 = 116 F6 = 117 F7 = 118 F8 = 119 F9 = 120 F10 = 121 F11 = 122 F12 = 123 NumLock = 144 ScrollLock = 145 Collon = 186 # EN-US: ;: PT-BR: çÇ Equal = 187 # EN-US: =+ PT-BR: =+ Comma = 188 # EN-US: ,< PT-BR: ,< Underscore = 189 # EN-US: -_ PT-BR: -_ Dot = 190 # EN-US: .> PT-BR: .> Backslash = 191 # EN-US: /? PT-BR: ;: Accent = 192 # EN-US: '~ PT-BR: "' Query = 193 # EN-US: PT-BR: /? Float = 194 # EN-US: PT-BT: . LHook = 219 # EN-US: [{ PT-BR: ´` RBar = 220 # EN-US: \| PT-BR: ]} RHook = 221 # EN-US: ]} PT-BR: [{ Quote = 222 # EN-US: "' PT-BR: ^~ LBar = 226 # PT-BR: \| Names = {1 => 'Mouse Left', 2 => 'Mouse Right', 3 => 'Cancel', 4 => 'Mouse Middle', 5 => 'Mouse 4th', 6 => 'Mouse 5th', 8 => 'Backspace', 9 => 'Tab', 12 => 'Clear', 13 => 'Enter', 16 => 'Shift', 17 => 'Control', 18 => 'Alt', 19 => 'Pause', 20 => 'Caps Lock', 21 => 'Kana', 23 => 'Junja', 24 => 'Final', 25 => 'Kanji', 27 => 'Escape', 28 => 'Convert', 29 => 'Non Convert', 30 => 'Accept', 31 => 'Mode Change', 32 => 'Space', 33 => 'Page Up', 34 => 'Page Down', 35 => 'End', 36 => 'Home', 37 => 'Left', 38 => 'Up', 39 => 'Right', 40 => 'Down', 41 => 'Select', 42 => 'Print', 43 => 'Execute', 44 => 'PrintScreen', 45 => 'Insert', 46 => 'Delete', 47 => 'Help', 48 => '0', 49 => '1', 50 => '2', 51 => '3', 52 => '4', 53 => '5', 54 => '6', 55 => '7', 56 => '8', 57 => '9', 65 => 'A', 66 => 'B', 67 => 'C', 68 => 'D', 69 => 'E', 70 => 'F', 71 => 'G', 72 => 'H', 73 => 'I', 74 => 'J', 75 => 'K', 76 => 'L', 77 => 'M', 78 => 'N', 79 => 'O', 80 => 'P', 81 => 'Q', 82 => 'R', 83 => 'S', 84 => 'T', 85 => 'U', 86 => 'V', 87 => 'W', 88 => 'X', 89 => 'Y', 90 => 'Z', 91 => 'Left Windows', 92 => 'Right Windows', 93 => 'Application', 95 => 'Sleep', 96 => 'PAD 0', 97 => 'PAD 1', 98 => 'PAD 2', 99 => 'PAD 3', 100 => 'PAD 4', 101 => 'PAD 5', 102 => 'PAD 6', 103 => 'PAD 7', 104 => 'PAD 8', 105 => 'PAD 9', 106 => '*', 107 => '+', 108 => 'Separator', 109 => '-', 110 => '.', 111 => '/', 112 => 'F1', 113 => 'F2', 114 => 'F3', 115 => 'F4', 116 => 'F5', 117 => 'F6', 118 => 'F7', 119 => 'F8', 120 => 'F9', 121 => 'F10', 122 => 'F11', 123 => 'F12', 124 => 'F13', 125 => 'F14', 126 => 'F15', 127 => 'F16', 128 => 'F17', 129 => 'F18', 130 => 'F19', 131 => 'F20', 132 => 'F21', 133 => 'F22', 134 => 'F23', 135 => 'F24', 144 => 'Number Lock', 145 => 'Scroll Lock', 146 => 'OEM 15', 147 => 'OEM 16', 148 => 'OEM 17', 149 => 'OEM 18', 150 => 'OEM 19', 160 => 'Left Shift', 161 => 'Right Shift', 162 => 'Left Control', 163 => 'Right Control', 164 => 'Left Alt', 165 => 'Right Alt', 166 => 'Browser Back', 167 => 'Browser Forward', 168 => 'Browser Refresh', 169 => 'Browser Stop', 170 => 'Browser Search', 171 => 'Browser Favorites', 172 => 'Browser Home', 173 => 'Volume Mute', 174 => 'Volume Down', 175 => 'Volume Up', 176 => 'Media Next Track', 177 => 'Media Previous Track', 178 => 'Media Stop', 179 => 'Media Play Pause', 180 => 'Launch Mail', 181 => 'Launch Media Select', 182 => 'Launch Application', 183 => 'Launch Application', 186 => 'OEM 1', 187 => 'OEM 2', 188 => 'OEM 3', 189 => 'OEM 4', 190 => 'OEM 5', 191 => 'OEM 6', 192 => 'OEM 7', 219 => 'OEM 8', 220 => 'OEM 9', 221 => 'OEM 10', 222 => 'OEM 11', 223 => 'OEM 13', 225 => 'OEM 20', 226 => 'OEM 14', 227 => 'OEM 21', 228 => 'OEM 22', 229 => 'Proccess', 230 => 'OEM 23', 232 => 'OEM 24', 240 => 'OEM 25', 241 => 'OEM 26', 242 => 'OEM 27', 243 => 'OEM 28', 244 => 'OEM 29', 245 => 'OEM 30', 246 => 'ATTN', 247 => 'CRSEL', 248 => 'EXSEL', 249 => 'EREOF', 250 => 'Play', 251 => 'Zoom', 253 => 'PA1', 254 => 'OEM Clear'} Numbers = [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105] Values = {} Values["ALL"] = {32 => [" "], 49 => ["1", "!"], 50 => ["2", "@"], 51 => ["3", "#"], 52 => ["4", "$"], 53 => ["5", "%"], 54 => ["6", "¨"], 55 => ["7", "&"], 56 => ["8", "*"], 57 => ["9", "("], 48 => ["0", ")"], 65 => ["a", "A"], 66 => ["b", "B"], 67 => ["c", "C"], 68 => ["d", "D"], 69 => ["e", "E"], 70 => ["f", "F"], 71 => ["g", "G"], 72 => ["h", "H"], 73 => ["i", "I"], 74 => ["j", "J"], 75 => ["k", "K"], 76 => ["l", "L"], 77 => ["m", "M"], 78 => ["n", "N"], 79 => ["o", "O"], 80 => ["p", "P"], 81 => ["q", "Q"], 82 => ["r", "R"], 83 => ["s", "S"], 84 => ["t", "T"], 85 => ["u", "U"], 86 => ["v", "V"], 87 => ["w", "W"], 88 => ["x", "X"], 89 => ["y", "Y"], 90 => ["z", "Z"], 96 => ["0"], 97 => ["1"], 98 => ["2"], 99 => ["3"], 100 => ["4"], 101 => ["5"], 102 => ["6"], 103 => ["7"], 104 => ["8"], 105 => ["9"], 106 => ["*"], 107 => ["+"], 109 => ["-"], 110 => [","], 111 => ["/"]} Values["EN-US"] = {186 => [";", ":"], 187 => ["=", "+"], 188 => [",", "<"], 189 => ["-", "_"], 190 => [".", ">"], 191 => ["/", "?"], 192 => ["'", "~"], 219 => ["[", "{"], 220 => ["","|"], 221 => ["]", "}"], 222 => ['"', "'"]} Values["PT-BR"] = {186 => ["ç", "Ç"], 187 => ["=", "+"], 188 => [",", "<"], 189 => ["-", "_"], 190 => [".", ">"], 191 => [";", ":"], 192 => ["'", '"'], 193 => ["/", '?'], 194 =>["."], 219 => ["´", "`"], 220 => ["]", "}"], 221 => ["[", "{"], 222 => ['~', "^"], 226 => ["","|"]} def return (Names.keys.include?(id) ? Names[id] : "???") end def self.value(id) if Values["ALL"].keys.include?(id) return Values["ALL"][id] elsif Values[Keyboard].keys.include?(id) return Values[Keyboard][id] else return Values["EN-US"][id] end end end
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Input @time =, 0) @press =, false) @trigger =, false) @repeat =, false) @release =, false) @dirs = [0, 0] InputInitialize ="Input", 'InputInitialize', 'LLLLLL', '') InputUpdate ="Input", 'InputUpdate', '', ''), @press.object_id, @trigger.object_id, @repeat.object_id, @release.object_id, @dirs.object_id) LEFT = 37 UP = 38 RIGHT = 39 DOWN = 40 A = [160, 161] B = [27, 88, 96] C = [13, 32, 90] X = 65 Y = 83 Z = 68 L = 81 R = 87 SHIFT = 16 CTRL = 17 ALT = 18 F5 = 116 F6 = 117 F7 = 118 F8 = 119 F9 = 120 def self.update end def self.trigger?(id) @trigger.indexes(*id.to_a).include?(true) end def @press.indexes(*id.to_a).include?(true) end def self.triggerd?(what) if triggered.include?(what) return true end end def self.triggered array = @trigger.each_index {|i| array.push(i) if @trigger[i]} array end def self.pressed?(what) if pressed.include?(what) return true end end def self.pressed array = @press.each_index {|i| array.push(i) if @press[i]} array end def self.repeat?(id) @repeat.indexes(*id.to_a).include?(true) end def self.repeated array = @repeat.each_index {|i| array.push(i) if @repeat[i]} array end def self.release?(id) @release.indexes(*id.to_a).include?(true) end def self.released array = @release.each_index {|i| array.push(i) if @release[i]} array end def self.dir4 return 2 if self.pressed?(DOWN) return 4 if self.pressed?(LEFT) return 6 if self.pressed?(RIGHT) return 8 if self.pressed?(UP) return 0 end def self.dir8 if self.pressed?(UP) return 9 if self.pressed?(RIGHT) return 7 if self.pressed?(LEFT) return 8 end if self.pressed?(DOWN) return 3 if self.pressed?(RIGHT) return 1 if self.pressed?(LEFT) return 2 end return 6 if self.pressed?(RIGHT) return 4 if self.pressed?(LEFT) return 0 end end
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =begin loop do Input.update for i in 0...256 next unless Input.trigger?(i) p i end end =end Comme vous pouvez le constater, celui-ci modifie cette partie-là. J'ai donc un souci pour faire la condition 'si la touche 'W' est pressé'. Le pire, c'est que j'ai tenté plus d'une trentaine de fois avec des codes différents, sans succès. (Voire avec des bugs... ) Si quelqu'un a une petite idée de solution, ce serai génial ! (A force de tenter, c'est désespérant. ) Mon 2ème souci: Je souhaite activer un interrupteur en script. Le problème, j'ai cherché dans le Game_Switches et j'ai trouvé ça: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Set Switch # switch_id : switch ID # value : ON (true) / OFF (false) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def []=(switch_id, value) if switch_id <= 5000 @data[switch_id] = value end end end Je me suis dit qu'il me suffisait de remplacer les valeurs à définir... Sauf que ça n'a pas fonctionné... Merci d'avance pour m'aider à trouver une solution...
Dernière édition par Alex-Cloud le Ven 7 Jan 2011 - 16:54, édité 2 fois |