Je voudrais savoir si c'est possible d'avoir plusieurs Windows en mémoire. Dans mon Rpg on peut choisir plusieurs lieux de commencement ! Un dans le désert par exemple et un autre dans la Neige. Je voudrais que lorsque l'on prend celui dans le Désert il y a un Window style Désert. Et lorsque l'on prend celui dans la Neige qu'il y est un Window style Neige ... Blanc neigeux avec des flocons. Vous avez compris le principe ? Je voudrais savoir si c'est possible en script de faire ça ?
Vagabond Lv.5
Age : 28 Inscrit le : 20/04/2009 Messages : 88
Sujet: Re: Plusieurs Windows Jeu 2 Juil 2009 - 9:57
Je sais pas si ce que tu veux est possible, mais voici un script de YERD tres utile, Ce n'est pas vraiment ce que tu as demandé, mais jte le passe au cas ou : Il remplace le menu "Quitter" par "Systeme", et propose au joueur de choisir son Windowskin, le volume du jeu qu'il veut et plein d'autre choses. Les windowskin sont a mettre dans le menu Graphics>Windowskin Comme c'est le script que j'utilise, il est un peu modifié, j'en suis désolé.
#=============================================================================== # # Yanfly Engine RD - Menu System Options # Last Date Updated: 2009.05.12 # Level: Easy, Normal # # The "End Game" option is quite possibly the most useless function in RPG Maker # VX games. Not only does it have little functionality but its functions can # be reproduced by Alt+F4 and F12. This script replaces "End Game" with a new # menu altogether and giving the player some familiar options seen in many of # today's commercial RPG's such as changing window skins, adjust sound volume, # turning off animations during battle, and the like. # #=============================================================================== # Updates: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # o 2009.05.12 - Auto-Dash update. If player holds down the dash button when # this option is enabled, the player will walk instead of dash. # o 2009.05.09 - Compatibility update with Woratana's NeoMessage. # Compatibility update with Modern Algebra's ATS. # o 2009.05.07 - Started script and finished. #=============================================================================== # Instructions #=============================================================================== # # Input this script anywhere above Main. It's plug and play outside of changing # a few variables and switches, which will be listed below: # # - If you have variables bound to variables 91, 92, 93, and 94, scroll down and # bind them to unused variables. # - If you have switches bound to switches 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, or 96, scroll # down and bind them to unused switches. # # Then, download the windows pack, and create a "Windows" folder inside your # Graphics folder. Input the windows pack there. You're all set to go. # #=============================================================================== # # Compatibility # - Works With: Woratana's NeoMessage # - Works With: Modern Algebra's ATS # - Alias: Game_Player: dash? # - Alias: Window_Base: initialize # - Alias: Scene_Battle: display_normal_animation # - Overwrites: Scene_End: All of it # - Overwrites: Vocab: game_end # #===============================================================================
$imported = {} if $imported == nil $imported["MenuSystemOptions"] = true
module YE module SYSTEM
# This changes the "End Game" string to a new string. This completely # overrides the default term from the database for a reason and that's # because this is adjustable from the title menu as well. TITLE = "Systeme"
# This will affect what string data will appear for the window selection # portion of the system menu. WINDOW_HELP = "Choisissez une Apparence." WINDOW_SKIN = "Window Skin"
# This sets the default window used when nothing is selected. This also # determines the window skin used at the title screen. Reference it to # the list below to determine which window skin. Don't make this 0. DEFAULT_WINDOW = 7
# This determines the variable used to store the player's windowskin choice. WINDOW_VARIABLE = 0
# This below determines what the variable refers to when it's used as # reference. Put your windows inside the Graphics/Windows folder. ID 0 will # automatically push back to the default window's ID. WINDOW_HASH ={ # Window ID => Window Name 1 => "1", 2 => "2", #3 => "3", 3 => "4", 4 => "5", #6 => "6", #7 => "7", 5 => "8", #9 => "9", 6 => "10", 7 => "11",
# This will affect what string data will appear for the volume adjustment # portion of the system menu. BGM_HELP = "Ajuster le Son BGM. Appuyez sur Gauche/Droite pour changer." SFX_HELP = "Ajuster le Son SFX. Appuyez sur Gauche/Droite pour changer." BGS_HELP = "Ajuster le Son BGS. Appuyez sur Gauche/Droite pour changer." BGM_TITLE = "BGM Volume" SFX_TITLE = "SFX Volume" BGS_TITLE = "BGS Volume" VOL_MUTE = "Changer"
# These are the variables and switches that govern the sound effect volumes. # Note that for the variables, the higher they are, the lower the volume. BGM_VOLUME_VAR = 92 # Variable SFX_VOLUME_VAR = 93 # Variable BGS_VOLUME_VAR = 94 # Variable BGM_MUTE_SWITCH = 92 # Switch SFX_MUTE_SWITCH = 93 # Switch BGS_MUTE_SWITCH = 94 # Switch
# This adjusts the gradient colours for each of the volume controls. BGM_COLOUR1 = 30 BGM_COLOUR2 = 31 SFX_COLOUR1 = 28 SFX_COLOUR2 = 29 BGS_COLOUR1 = 20 BGS_COLOUR2 = 21
# This will affect what string data will appear for the toggling of # battle animations portion of the system menu. ANI_TITLE = "Animations en Combat" ANI_HELP = "Activer/Désactiver les animations durant le combat." ANI_ON = "Activer" ANI_OFF = "Désactiver"
# This is the switch used to adjust battle animations. If it is off, # animations are enabled. If it is on, animations are disabled. ANI_SWITCH = 91
# This will affect what string data will appear for the toggling of # automatic dashing portion of the system menu. AUTO_DASH_TITLE = "Courir" AUTO_DASH_HELP = "Activer/Désactiver la course automatique." AUTO_DASH_ON = "Activer" AUTO_DASH_OFF = "Désactiver"
# This is the switch used to determine whether or not autodashing is on. AUTO_DASH_SWITCH = 95
#--------------------- # Instant Text #---------------------
# This will affect what string data will appear for the instant text # portion of the system menu. INSTANT_TEXT_TITLE = "Texte" INSTANT_TEXT_HELP = "Changer la vitesse d'apparition du texte." INSTANT_TEXT_ON = "Instantannée" INSTANT_TEXT_OFF = "Normale"
# This is the switch used to determine whether or not instant text is on. INSTANT_TEXT_SWITCH = 96
#--------------------- # Remaining Text #---------------------
# This will affect what remaining string data is left for the system menu. RETURN_TO_TITLE = "Retour au Titre" RETURN_TITLE_HELP = "Retourner au Titre." RETURN_TO_MENU = "Retour au Menu" RETURN_MENU_HELP = "Retourner au Menu en sauvegardant les modifications."
end # SYSTEM end # YE
#=============================================================================== # Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing computer # damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or halitosis. # Therefore, edit at your own risk. #===============================================================================
module Vocab def self.game_end return YE::SYSTEM::TITLE end end
module Cache def load_bitmap("Graphics/Windows/", filename) end end
module RPG
class BGM < AudioFile def play if @name.empty? Audio.bgm_stop @@last = else vol = @volume if $game_variables != nil vol *= 100 - $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] vol /= 100 vol = [[vol, 0].max, 100].min vol = 0 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] end Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + @name, vol, @pitch) @@last = self end end #Play end # BGM
class ME < AudioFile def play if @name.empty? Audio.me_stop else vol = @volume if $game_variables != nil vol *= 100 - $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] vol /= 100 vol = [[vol, 0].max, 100].min vol = 0 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] end Audio.me_play("Audio/ME/" + @name, vol, @pitch) end end end # ME
class SE < AudioFile def play unless @name.empty? vol = @volume if $game_variables != nil vol *= 100 - $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] vol /= 100 vol = [[vol, 0].max, 100].min vol = 0 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_MUTE_SWITCH] end Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + @name, vol, @pitch) end end def self.stop Audio.se_stop end end # SE
class BGS < AudioFile def play if @name.empty? Audio.bgs_stop @@last = else vol = @volume if $game_variables != nil vol *= 100 - $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] vol /= 100 vol = [[vol, 0].max, 100].min vol = 0 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_MUTE_SWITCH] end Audio.bgs_play("Audio/BGS/" + @name, vol, @pitch) @@last = self end end end # BGS
end # RPG
#=============================================================================== # Game Player #===============================================================================
class Game_Player < Game_Character
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias dash? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias dash_mso dash? unless $@ def dash? if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::AUTO_DASH_SWITCH] return false if @move_route_forcing return false if $game_map.disable_dash? return false if in_vehicle? return false if return true else dash_mso end end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update windowskin #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_windowskin if $game_variables != nil winvar = YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_VARIABLE if $game_variables[winvar] == 0 $game_variables[winvar] = YE::SYSTEM::DEFAULT_WINDOW elsif !YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_HASH.include?($game_variables[winvar]) $game_variables[winvar] = YE::SYSTEM::DEFAULT_WINDOW end mso_windowskin = YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_HASH[$game_variables[winvar]] else mso_windowskin = YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_HASH[YE::SYSTEM::DEFAULT_WINDOW] end self.windowskin = end
#=============================================================================== # Window Base #===============================================================================
class Window_Base < Window
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_window_mso initialize unless $@ def initialize(x, y, width, height) initialize_window_mso(x, y, width, height) self.update_windowskin end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias update show fast #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_show_fast_mso update_show_fast unless $@ def update_show_fast if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::INSTANT_TEXT_SWITCH] if self.pause or self.openness < 255 @show_fast = false else @show_fast = true end if @show_fast and @wait_count > 0 @wait_count -= 1 end else update_show_fast_mso end end
if $worale != nil if $worale["NMS"] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias draw_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias draw_name_mso draw_name unless $@ def draw_name(name, x, y) draw_name_mso(name, x, y) @namebox.update_windowskin end end end
Dernière édition par Naruzozo le Jeu 2 Juil 2009 - 10:01, édité 1 fois
Vagabond Lv.5
Age : 28 Inscrit le : 20/04/2009 Messages : 88
Sujet: Re: Plusieurs Windows Jeu 2 Juil 2009 - 9:58
Suite, à placer a la suite dans le meme script.
#=============================================================================== # Window System #===============================================================================
#=============================================================================== # Modern Algebra ATS Compatibility #===============================================================================
class Window_FaceBox < Window_Base unless method_defined?(:initialize)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_fb_mso initialize unless $@ def initialize initialize_fb_mso self.update_windowskin end
end end
class Window_NameBox < Window_Base unless method_defined?(:initialize)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_nb_mso initialize unless $@ def initialize(string = '') initialize_nb_mso(string) self.update_windowskin end
end end
class Window_ChoiceBox < Window_Command unless method_defined?(:initialize)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_cb_mso initialize unless $@ def initialize initialize_cb_mso self.update_windowskin end
end end
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable unless method_defined?(:initialize)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_wm_mso initialize unless $@ def initialize initialize_wm_mso self.update_windowskin end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Post-Start Processing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def post_start super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pre-termination Processing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pre_terminate super end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Termination Processing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def terminate super @help_window.dispose @system_window.dispose @bgm_vol_window.dispose @sfx_vol_window.dispose @bgs_vol_window.dispose dispose_menu_background end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update Help #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help @help_window.contents.clear case @system_window.index when 0; text = YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_HELP when 1; text = YE::SYSTEM::BGM_HELP when 2; text = YE::SYSTEM::SFX_HELP when 3; text = YE::SYSTEM::BGS_HELP when 4; text = YE::SYSTEM::ANI_HELP when 5; text = YE::SYSTEM::AUTO_DASH_HELP when 6; text = YE::SYSTEM::INSTANT_TEXT_HELP when 7; text = YE::SYSTEM::RETURN_TITLE_HELP when 8; text = YE::SYSTEM::RETURN_MENU_HELP end @help_window.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 504, 24, text, 0) end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super update_menu_background @system_window.update
if @last_index != @system_window.index @last_index = @system_window.index update_help end
if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel return_scene else #~ #--- if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) and @system_window.index == 0 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_VARIABLE] -= 1 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_VARIABLE] == 0 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_VARIABLE] = 1 else Sound.play_cursor end @system_window.refresh @system_window.update_windowskin @help_window.update_windowskin elsif Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) and @system_window.index == 0 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_VARIABLE] += 1 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_VARIABLE] > YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_HASH.size $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_VARIABLE] = YE::SYSTEM::WINDOW_HASH.size else Sound.play_cursor end @system_window.refresh @system_window.update_windowskin @help_window.update_windowskin #--- elsif Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) and @system_window.index == 1 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] += 10 else $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] += 1 end if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] >= 100 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] = 100 end Sound.play_cursor @bgm_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) and @system_window.index == 1 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] -= 10 else $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] -= 1 end if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] <= 0 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_VOLUME_VAR] = 0 end Sound.play_cursor @bgm_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) and @system_window.index == 1 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] = false else $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] = true end Sound.play_decision @bgm_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) and @system_window.index == 1 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] = false else $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGM_MUTE_SWITCH] = true end Sound.play_decision @bgm_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) and @system_window.index == 2 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] += 10 else $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] += 1 end if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] >= 100 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] = 100 end Sound.play_cursor @sfx_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) and @system_window.index == 2 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] -= 10 else $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] -= 1 end if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] <= 0 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_VOLUME_VAR] = 0 end Sound.play_cursor @sfx_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) and @system_window.index == 2 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_MUTE_SWITCH] $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_MUTE_SWITCH] = false else $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_MUTE_SWITCH] = true end Sound.play_decision @sfx_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) and @system_window.index == 2 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_MUTE_SWITCH] $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_MUTE_SWITCH] = false else $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::SFX_MUTE_SWITCH] = true end Sound.play_decision @sfx_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) and @system_window.index == 3 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] += 10 else $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] += 1 end if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] >= 100 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] = 100 end Sound.play_cursor @bgs_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) and @system_window.index == 3 if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] -= 10 else $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] -= 1 end if $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] <= 0 $game_variables[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_VOLUME_VAR] = 0 end Sound.play_cursor @bgs_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) and @system_window.index == 3 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_MUTE_SWITCH] $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_MUTE_SWITCH] = false else $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_MUTE_SWITCH] = true end Sound.play_decision @bgs_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) and @system_window.index == 3 if $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_MUTE_SWITCH] $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_MUTE_SWITCH] = false else $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::BGS_MUTE_SWITCH] = true end Sound.play_decision @bgs_vol_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) and @system_window.index == 4 $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::ANI_SWITCH] = false Sound.play_decision @system_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) and @system_window.index == 4 $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::ANI_SWITCH] = true Sound.play_decision @system_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) and @system_window.index == 5 $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::AUTO_DASH_SWITCH] = true Sound.play_decision @system_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) and @system_window.index == 5 $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::AUTO_DASH_SWITCH] = false Sound.play_decision @system_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) and @system_window.index == 6 $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::INSTANT_TEXT_SWITCH] = true Sound.play_decision @system_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) and @system_window.index == 6 $game_switches[YE::SYSTEM::INSTANT_TEXT_SWITCH] = false Sound.play_decision @system_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @system_window.index == 7 Sound.play_decision RPG::BGM.fade(800) RPG::BGS.fade(800) RPG::ME.fade(800) $scene = Graphics.fadeout(60) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @system_window.index == 8 Sound.play_cancel return_scene end #--- end end end #=============================================================================== # # END OF FILE # #===============================================================================
J'espere t'avoir aidé. Derien. Désolé pour le triple post, mais sinon le message était trop long.