Age : 30 Inscrit le : 22/12/2011 Messages : 1600
| Sujet: Actor duel mini game Sam 3 Aoû 2013 - 11:12 | |
| Crédit: Galv Galv fait souvent de bon script mais là il a fait fort. :-p Ce script vous permet de faire des duels (en temps réel comme des jeux de combats) ! Ce script utilise des sprites. Script: - Code:
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Galv's Actor Duel Mini Game #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For: RPGMAKER VX ACE # Version 1.1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2013-07-10 - Version 1.1 - added state icons, button combo moves, working # - regen, poisons, buffs, projectile attacks. # 2013-07-08 - Version 1.0 - release #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Holder's animated battler spritesheets can be found here: # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script adds a scene where you can face two actors against each other in # a mini-game duel that plays similar to a fighting game. # You can do Player1 VS AI or Player1 VS Player2 (on same computer) # # The actors use their statistics and hp in the duel. They can move, jump, # block, attack and use button combo skills that you create using notetags # on skills. Normal attack damage formula is taken from skill 1 by default. # # Actors have stamina that regenerates during the fight. Each attack uses a # certain amount of stamina and the fighter cannot attack or use a skill if he # doesn't have enough left. # # Fighters can be affected by buffs and states, however a few things have no # effect in an actor duel such as blinds or stuns. Poisons, regen, parameter # boosting stats do work. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BASIC INSTRUCTIONS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Get holder style battlers ( # 2. Import battlers into /Graphics/Battlers folder # 3. Copy /Graphics/Battlers/FightSkills.png from the demo into your project # 4. Copy /Graphics/System/kombat_bar.png from the demo into your project # 5. Put this script below Materials and above main. # 6. Read all instructions and settings # 7. Remember to start a NEW GAME instead of loading a save file that was made # prior to adding this script #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SCRIPT CALLS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set_fighters(id1,id2) # Starts a kombat between actors with id1 & id2 # # set_fbacks("back1","back2") # Change battlebacks for next kombat. "back1" # # is from /Graphics/Battlebacks1/ and "back2" # # is from /Graphics/Battlebacks2/ # # set_fmusic("MusicName") # Change the kombat music # # set_fmode(x) # 0 = P1 vs AI 1 = P1 vs P2 (Default 0) # # add_fskill(a_id,s_id,[btns]) # a_id = actor id... s_id = skill id # # [btns] is the button combo array which can # # include: :l :r :u :d # # (See explanation below) # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # btn info # ----------------------------- # :l Left key for whomever is on the left. 'away from enemy' key. # :r Right key for whomever is on the left. 'toward the enemy' key. # :u Up key # :d Down key # # EXAMPLE OF SCRIPT CALL TO ADD A SKILL: # add_fskill(1,80,[:l,:l,:r]) # This will give actor 1 a button combo: # # Left, Left, Right, Attack (while on left) # # (Right, Right, Left, Attack while on right) # # Which will activate skill 80 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note tag for ACTORS required #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # <fimage: imagename> # The name of the holder-style spritesheet # # image from /Graphics/Battlers/ # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note tag for ACTORS to override Defaults #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # <fatks: x,x,x,x> # The rows in the spritesheet to use for the # # actor's normal attacks. Default is COMBO below # # <fse miss: sename> # SE to use for attacking and missing # # <fhit: x> # Animation played when hitting enemy with attack # # <frange: x> # How close need to be to make contact with attack # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note tag for SKILLS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # <fpose: x> # The pose row used for actor when using this skill. # # Will default to row 7 if no tag added. # # <fcost: x> # Stamina required to use skill # # <fse: sename> # SE that plays when using the skill # # <fp: p,s,a,t,r> # Use this tag if the skill will be a projectile. # # p = pose row of SKILLIMAGE spritesheet # # s = speed projectile travels # # a = animation_id when projectile is created # # t = time before projectile disappears (60 per second) # # r = How close projectile needs to be to make contact # # Skill's 'scope' must be set to enemy for this to work # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BUTTON COMBO NOTE # If a skill has scope of ally, the animation in the database skill is played # on the user. If not, the animation is played when the skill hits the enemy. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFAULT SPRITESHEET POSES (HOLDER SETUP) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ROW POSE USED IN DEFAULT SCRIPT # # 0 Idle Yes # 1 Guard Yes # 2 Poor Status Yes # 3 Get hit Yes # 4 Normal Attack Yes # 5 Use Item # 6 Use Skill # 7 Use Magic Yes # 8 Move toward Yes # 9 Move back Yes # 10 Victory Yes # 11 Battle Start # 12 Dead Yes # 13 Spritesheet Info #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ($imported ||= {})["Galv_ActorDuel"] = true module GALVFIGHT #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ** SETTINGS # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FONT = "Arial" # Font used in script VICTOR_VAR = 1 # Variable used to store the winner's ID in. 0 if nobody wins. QUIT_SWITCH = 1 # Turn this swith ON to disable the quit menu. OFF to enable CMD_QUIT = "Quit Match" # To quit the fight CMD_CANCEL = "Cancel" # When cancelling the quit menu # Spritesheet COLS = 4 # Number of animation columns in spritesheet ROWS = 14 # Number of rows in spritesheet SIZE = 2 # Size of the battlers (2 = 2x zoom. 1 = normal) SKILLIMAGE = "FightSkills" # name of skill spritesheet in /Graphics/Battlers/ SKILLCOLS = 4 # Number of animation columns in skill spritesheet SKILLROWS = 14 # Number of rows in skill spritesheet # Actor Defaults COMBO = [4] # Array of spritesheet rows that cycle with attacks # eg. [4,5,6] will cycle rows 4,5 and 6 when attacking MISS_SE = "Wind7" # "SE_Name" for missing and attack sound HIT_ANIM = 115 # Animation played when hitting enemy. GUARD_ANIM = 116 # Animation played when guarded a hit RANGE = 45 # Distance from opponent before attack makes contact JUMP_POSE = 8 # Pose used when jumping SKILLSE = "Wind7" # "SE_Name" played when using a skill # Level Defaults MUSIC = "Battle6" # Default battle BGM VICTORY_ME = "Victory1" # Default victory ME BATTLEBACK1 = "Ship" # Default battleback 1 from /Graphics/Battlebacks1/ BATTLEBACK2 = "Ship" # Default battleback 2 from /Graphics/Battlebacks2/ P1_X = 100 # Starting X position of player 1 P2_X = 455 # Starting X position of player 2 Y = 310 # Grounded Y position # Fighting MAX_STAMINA = 500 # Stamina each fighter has STAMINA_COST = 100 # Amount of stamina out of 1000 that attacking uses REGEN_RATE = 1.3 # Speed that stamina regenerates GUARD_DAMAGE = 0.25 # Normal damage is multiplied by this when guarding. ATTACK_SKILL = 1 # Skill to use for basic attacks TURNTIMER = 150 # Number of frames before it counts as a new turn for # buffs and states # Text START1 = "Ready?" # Text that appears at the start START2 = "FIGHT!" NOWINNER = "MATCH OVER!" # Message when player quits from the match WINS = " WINS!" # Message that comes after winner's name #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONTROLS - PLAYER 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P1_UP = :UP # Jump P1_DOWN = :DOWN # Block P1_LEFT = :LEFT # Move left P1_RIGHT = :RIGHT # Move right P1_ACTION = :C # (Spacebar key) Attack #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONTROLS - PLAYER 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P2_UP = :R # (W key) Jump P2_DOWN = :Y # (S key) Block P2_LEFT = :X # (A key) Move Left P2_RIGHT = :Z # (D key) Move Right P2_ACTION = :CTRL # Attack #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ** END SETTINGS # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------# #---| GFIGHT_AI |----------------------------------------------------------- #---------------# module GFIGHT_AI def update_f2_ai update_ai_random update_ai_decision update_ai_action update_timer update_victorcheck end def p1; @f1; end def ai; @f2; end def update_ai_random @chance = (rand(10) + 1).to_i if !ai_timer_running? end def update_ai_decision if ai.in_range_x update_ai_in_range else update_ai_out_of_range end end def update_ai_in_range if p1.attacking? # IF PLAYER IS ATTACKING if ai.getting_hit? && @chance > 2 @ai_move = :down @ai_action = false @ai_timer = rand(50) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? else if @chance > 4 @ai_move = :down @ai_action = false @ai_timer = rand(50) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? elsif @chance > 2 ai_make_attack @ai_timer = rand(50) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? else @ai_move = random_move_in_range @ai_timer = rand(50) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? end end else # IF PLAYER IS NOT ATTACKING if @chance > 4 ai_make_attack @ai_timer = rand(50) + 20 if !ai_timer_running? elsif @chance > 2 @ai_move = :down @ai_action = false @ai_timer = rand(50) + 20 if !ai_timer_running? else @ai_move = random_move_in_range @ai_timer = rand(50) + 20 if !ai_timer_running? end end end def update_ai_out_of_range @ai_move = random_move_out_of_range @ai_action = false @ai_raction = true end def ai_jump if ai.fjumping? @ai_move = :none else @ai_move = :up ai.fight_pose = 0 end end def random_move_in_range if ai.fight_x <= 20 + 10 return @chance > 7 ? :right : :none elsif ai.fight_x >= Graphics.width - 20 - 10 return @chance > 7 ? :left : :none elsif @chance >= 8 return :right elsif @chance >= 5 return :left elsif @chance == 1 return ai.fjumping? ? :left : :up elsif @chance == 2 return ai.fjumping? ? :right : :up else return :none end end def random_move_out_of_range if ai.fight_x <= 20 + 10 @ai_timer = rand(30) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? return @chance > 4 ? :right : :none elsif ai.fight_x >= Graphics.width - 20 - 10 @ai_timer = rand(30) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? return @chance > 4 ? :left : :none elsif @chance >= 7 @ai_timer = rand(40) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? return ai_advance elsif @chance >= 4 @ai_timer = rand(40) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? return ai_retreat else @ai_timer = rand(30) + 10 if !ai_timer_running? return :none end end def ai_timer_running? @ai_timer > 0 end def update_ai_action ai.fight_move(@ai_move) ai_melee_action if @ai_action ai_range_action if @ai_raction end def ai_melee_action if @chance <= 1 bcs = get_ai_random_skill ai.fight_combo_skill(bcs) if bcs > 0 end ai.fight_action end def ai_range_action if @chance <= 1 bcs = get_ai_projectile_skill ai.fight_combo_skill(bcs) if bcs > 0 end end def get_ai_projectile_skill ai.combo_skills.each { |combo| return combo[1] if $data_skills[combo[1]].fproj } return 0 end def get_ai_random_skill cskills = ai.combo_skills.to_a rskill = cskills.sample @ai_raction = false return rskill[1] <= 0 ? 0 : rskill[1] end def ai_make_attack if ai.fstamina < GALVFIGHT::STAMINA_COST @ai_move = :down else @ai_action = true @ai_move = random_move_in_range end end def ai_retreat return ai.fight_x > p1.fight_x ? :right : :left end def ai_advance return ai.fight_x < p1.fight_x ? :right : :left end def update_timer @ai_timer -= 1 end def update_victorcheck if p1.dead? @phase = 2 @victor = ai end end end # GFIGHT_AI #----------------------# #---| GAME_INTERPRETER |---------------------------------------------------- #----------------------# class Game_Interpreter def set_fighters(player1,player2) $game_system.save_bgm command_221 a = $game_actors[player1] b = $game_actors[player2] $game_system.fighters = [a,b] wait(1) command_222 $game_system.replay_bgm end def set_fbacks(back1,back2) $game_system.fbacks = [back1,back2] end def set_fmusic(music) $game_system.fmusic = music end def set_fmode(mode) $game_system.fmode = mode end def add_skill(a_id,s_id,btns) $game_actors[a_id].combo_skills[btns] = s_id end end #------------------# #---| RPG BASEITEM |-------------------------------------------------------- #------------------# class RPG::BaseItem def f_atks if @f_atks.nil? if @note =~ /<fatks:[ ](.*)>/i @f_atks = $1.to_s.split(",").map {|i| i.to_i} else @f_atks = GALVFIGHT::COMBO end end @f_atks end end # RPG::Item class RPG::Skill def fpose if @fpose.nil? if @note =~ /<fpose:[ ](.*)>/i @fpose = $1.to_i else @fpose = 7 end end @fpose end def fcost if @fcost.nil? if @note =~ /<fcost:[ ](.*)>/i @fcost = $1.to_i else @fcost = GALVFIGHT::STAMINA_COST end end @fcost end def fproj if @fproj.nil? if @note =~ /<fp:[ ](.*)>/i @fproj = $1.to_s.split(",").map {|i| i.to_i} else @fproj = nil end end @fproj end def fse if @fse.nil? if @note =~ /<fpose:[ ](.*)>/i @fse = $1.to_s else @fse = GALVFIGHT::SKILLSE end end @fse end end # RPG::Skill #----------------# #---| GAME_ACTOR |---------------------------------------------------------- #----------------# class Game_Actor < Game_Battler attr_reader :fhit_anim attr_reader :frange attr_accessor :fight_x attr_accessor :fight_y attr_accessor :fight_pose attr_accessor :fight_sprite attr_accessor :fight_speed attr_accessor :fight_mspeed attr_accessor :fstamina attr_accessor :combo_skills attr_accessor :fprojectiles alias galv_fight_gagb_setup setup def setup(actor_id) galv_fight_gagb_setup(actor_id) init_fight_vars @fight_sprite = actor.note =~ /<fimage: (.*)>/i ? $1 : "" @combo = actor.f_atks @combo_skills = {} @fse_miss = actor.note =~ /<fse miss: (.*)>/i ? $1 : GALVFIGHT::MISS_SE @fhit_anim = actor.note =~ /<fhit: (.*)>/i ? $1.to_i : GALVFIGHT::HIT_ANIM @frange = actor.note =~ /<frange: (.*)>/i ? $1.to_i : GALVFIGHT::RANGE end def init_fight_vars @fight_x = 0 @fight_y = GALVFIGHT::Y @fight_pose = 0 @fight_speed = 0.to_f @fight_mspeed = 4 @attack_timer = 0 @skill_timer = 0 @takehit_timer = 0 @jump = 0 @fstamina = GALVFIGHT::MAX_STAMINA @btn_combo = [] @btn_timer = 0 @fprojectiles = [] end def fight_move(direction) case direction when :up fight_jump fight_slowing when :down fight_guard fight_slowing when :left if !attacking? if @fight_x < fight_target.fight_x @fight_pose = 9 else @fight_pose = 8 end end return @fight_speed = 0 if fight_left_limit @fight_speed -= 0.4 @fight_speed = -@fight_mspeed if @fight_speed <= -@fight_mspeed when :right if !attacking? if @fight_x < fight_target.fight_x @fight_pose = 8 else @fight_pose = 9 end end return @fight_speed = 0 if fight_right_limit @fight_speed += 0.4 @fight_speed = @fight_mspeed if @fight_speed >= @fight_mspeed when :none if !attacking? @fight_pose = fjumping? ? GALVFIGHT::JUMP_POSE : fight_idle_pose end fight_slowing end end def fight_right_limit; @fight_x >= Graphics.width - 20; end def fight_left_limit; @fight_x <= 20; end def fight_idle_pose hp < mhp * 0.25 ? 2 : 0 end def fight_slowing if moving_right? return @fight_speed = 0 if @fight_x >= Graphics.width - 20 @fight_speed -= [0 + @fight_speed,0.3].min elsif moving_left? return @fight_speed = 0 if @fight_x <= 20 @fight_speed += [0 - @fight_speed,0.3].min end end def fight_action return if attacking? || guarding? || getting_hit? bcs = get_combo_skill if bcs.nil? fight_normal_attack else fight_combo_skill(bcs) end end def get_combo_skill @combo_skills.each { |combo| if @btn_combo.reverse[0..(combo[0].size - 1)] == combo[0].reverse return combo[1] end } return nil end def fight_normal_attack return if @fstamina < GALVFIGHT::STAMINA_COST @fskill_used = nil @fstamina -= GALVFIGHT::STAMINA_COST se = @fse_miss vol = 80 + rand(20) pit = 100 + rand(50),vol,pit).play @combo = @combo.rotate @fight_pose = @combo[0] @attack_timer = 22 end def fight_combo_skill(skill) sk = $data_skills[skill] return fight_normal_attack if @fstamina < sk.fcost return if attacking? @fstamina -= sk.fcost se = sk.fse vol = 80 + rand(20) pit = 100 + rand(50),vol,pit).play if sk.fproj # Create Projectile Here @fprojectiles <<,self) self.animation_id = sk.fproj[2] @skill_timer = 22 elsif sk.scope >= 7 self.animation_id = sk.animation_id self.fight_item_apply(self, sk) @skill_timer = 22 else @fskill_used = sk @attack_timer = 22 end @fight_pose = sk.fpose end def fight_item_apply(user, item) @result.clear @result.used = item_test(user, item) @result.missed = (@result.used && rand >= item_hit(user, item)) @result.evaded = (!@result.missed && rand < item_eva(user, item)) if @result.hit? @result.critical = (rand < item_cri(user, item)) damage = fight_damage_value(self, $data_skills[]) fight_target.do_damage(guarding?,,damage) item.effects.each {|effect| item_effect_apply(user, item, effect) } item_user_effect(user, item) end end def fight_guard return if attacking? @fight_pose = 1 end def fight_jump return if fjumping? || in_air? @jump = -10 - GALVFIGHT::SIZE / 2 end def fjumping?; @jump < 0; end def in_air?; @fight_y < GALVFIGHT::Y; end def attacking?; @attack_timer > 0 || @skill_timer > 0; end def guarding?; @fight_pose == 1; end def getting_hit?; @takehit_timer > 0; end def moving_right?; @fight_speed > 0; end def moving_left?; @fight_speed < 0; end def away(amount) if fight_x < fight_target.fight_x return amount else return -amount end end def move_pose(direction) return 1 if @fight_x < fight_target.fight_x end def update_fight @takehit_timer -= 1 update_fight_movement update_gravity return @fight_pose = 12 if dead? return @fight_pose = 3 if getting_hit? && !guarding? update_btn_combo update_stamina update_hit @attack_timer -= 1 @skill_timer -= 1 end def update_stamina @fstamina += GALVFIGHT::REGEN_RATE if @fstamina < GALVFIGHT::MAX_STAMINA end def update_fight_movement if moving_right? @fight_x += [@fight_speed,@fight_mspeed].min elsif moving_left? @fight_x += [@fight_speed,-@fight_mspeed].max end end def update_gravity if fjumping? || in_air? @fight_y += @jump + $game_system.gravity @jump += 0.2 else @fight_y = GALVFIGHT::Y @jump = 0 end end def fight_target if $game_system.fighters[0].id == @actor_id return $game_system.fighters[1] else return $game_system.fighters[0] end end def update_hit if @attack_timer == 8 if make_contact? if fight_target.guarding? fight_target.animation_id = GALVFIGHT::GUARD_ANIM s = @fskill_used ? @fskill_used : $data_skills[GALVFIGHT::ATTACK_SKILL] damage = fight_damage_value(self,s) do_damage(true,,damage) @fskill_used = nil else if @fskill_used anim = @fskill_used.animation_id s = @fskill_used else anim = @fhit_anim s = $data_skills[GALVFIGHT::ATTACK_SKILL] end fight_target.animation_id = anim damage = fight_damage_value(self,s) do_damage(false,GALVFIGHT::ATTACK_SKILL,damage) @fskill_used = nil end end end end def proj_hit(skill) if fight_target.guarding? fight_target.animation_id = GALVFIGHT::GUARD_ANIM else fight_target.animation_id = skill.animation_id end fight_target.fight_item_apply(self,skill) end def do_damage(guard,s_id,damage,proj = false) if guard damage *= GALVFIGHT::GUARD_DAMAGE if damage > 0 fight_target.fight_speed += away(2) * GALVFIGHT::SIZE @fight_speed += fight_target.away(2) * GALVFIGHT::SIZE if proj end else fight_target.fight_speed += away(4) * GALVFIGHT::SIZE if damage > 0 end fight_target.fight_damage(damage) end def fight_damage_value(user, item) value = item.damage.eval(user, self, $game_variables) value *= item_element_rate(user, item) value *= pdr if item.physical? value *= mdr if item.magical? value *= rec if item.damage.recover? value = apply_variance(value, item.damage.variance) return value end def fight_damage(damage) change_hp(-damage.to_i,true) if SceneManager.scene.phase == 1 @attack_timer = 0 @skill_timer = 0 if damage > 0 @takehit_timer = 18 remove_states_by_damage end end def reach; @frange * GALVFIGHT::SIZE; end def range; (fight_target.fight_x - @fight_x).abs; end def in_range_x; (fight_target.fight_x - @fight_x).abs < reach; end def in_range_y; ((fight_target.fight_y - @fight_y).abs) * 1.2 < reach ;end def near_range_x; ((fight_target.fight_x - @fight_x).abs) / 1.5 < reach; end def make_contact? return true if in_range_x && in_range_y end def reset_fight erase_state(death_state_id) @hp = 1 if @hp <= 0 init_fight_vars end def end_match @fight_pose = 0 if !dead? end def sta_rate @fstamina.to_f / GALVFIGHT::MAX_STAMINA end def update_btn_combo @btn_combo = [] if @btn_timer == 0 @btn_timer -= 1 end def add_combo(direction) @btn_timer = 20 @btn_combo << direction end end # Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-----------------# #---| GAME_SYSTEM |--------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------# class Game_System attr_accessor :fighters attr_accessor :fmode attr_accessor :gravity attr_accessor :fbacks attr_accessor :fmusic alias galv_fight_gs_initialize initialize def initialize galv_fight_gs_initialize @gravity = 5 @fbacks = [GALVFIGHT::BATTLEBACK1,GALVFIGHT::BATTLEBACK2] @fmusic = [GALVFIGHT::MUSIC,GALVFIGHT::VICTORY_ME] @fmode = 0 # 0 is Player vs AI 1 is Player vs Player end end # Game_System #---------------------# #---| SCENE_ACTORDUEL |----------------------------------------------------- #---------------------# class Scene_ActorDuel < Scene_Base attr_accessor :spriteset attr_reader :phase include GFIGHT_AI def start super init_variables determine_fighters create_spriteset create_windows end def init_variables $game_variables[GALVFIGHT::VICTOR_VAR] = 0 @phase = 0 @ai_move = :none @ai_action = false @ai_timer = 0 @bufftimer = 0$game_system.fmusic[0],100,100).play end def determine_fighters @f1,@f2 = $game_system.fighters @f1.fight_x = GALVFIGHT::P1_X @f2.fight_x = GALVFIGHT::P2_X end def create_spriteset @spriteset = end def create_windows @hp_window = @info_window = @command_window = @command_window.deactivate.hide @command_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_ok)) @command_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_cancel)) end def on_ok @phase = 2 @command_window.hide.deactivate @f1.end_match @f2.end_match end def on_cancel @command_window.hide.deactivate end #--------| UPDATE def update super update_graphics case @phase when 0 update_begin when 1 return if update_fighter1 update_fighter2 update_other when 2 update_common(@f2) update_common(@f1) @f1.fight_speed = 0 @f2.fight_speed = 0 update_end end end def update_begin return while @phase = 1 end def update_end$game_system.fmusic[1],100,100).play if !@end_timer @end_timer ||= 60 @victor.fight_pose = 10 if @victor @end_timer -= 1 return if @end_timer > 0 @info_window.victory(@victor) if @end_timer == 0 return while $game_system.fighters.each { |actor| actor.reset_fight } $game_variables[GALVFIGHT::VICTOR_VAR] = @victor ? : 0 SceneManager.return end def update_graphics @spriteset.update end def update_other if Input.trigger?(:B) && !$game_switches[GALVFIGHT::QUIT_SWITCH] end if @bufftimer >= GALVFIGHT::TURNTIMER @f1.on_turn_end @f2.on_turn_end @f1.remove_buffs_auto @f2.remove_buffs_auto @bufftimer = 0 end @bufftimer += 1 end def update_fighter1 update_f1_movement update_f1_action update_common(@f1) end def update_f1_movement if @f1.fight_move(:down) @f1.add_combo(:d) if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P1_DOWN) elsif Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P1_UP) @f1.fight_move(:up) @f1.add_combo(:u) elsif @f1.fight_move(:left) @f1.add_combo(get_back_dir(@f1)) if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P1_LEFT) elsif @f1.fight_move(:right) @f1.add_combo(get_forward_dir(@f1)) if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P1_RIGHT) else @f1.fight_move(:none) end end def get_back_dir(player) return player.fight_x < player.fight_target.fight_x ? :l : :r end def get_forward_dir(player) return player.fight_x < player.fight_target.fight_x ? :r : :l end def update_f1_action @f1.fight_action if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P1_ACTION) && !@f1.attacking? && !@f1.guarding? if @f2.dead? @phase = 2 @victor = @f1 end end def update_fighter2 if $game_system.fmode == 1 update_f2_movement update_f2_action else update_f2_ai end update_common(@f2) end def update_f2_movement if @f2.fight_move(:down) @f2.add_combo(:d) if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P2_DOWN) elsif Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P2_UP) @f2.fight_move(:up) @f2.add_combo(:u) elsif @f2.fight_move(:left) @f2.add_combo(get_back_dir(@f2)) if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P2_LEFT) elsif @f2.fight_move(:right) @f2.add_combo(get_forward_dir(@f2)) if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P2_RIGHT) else @f2.fight_move(:none) end end def update_f2_action @f2.fight_action if Input.trigger?(GALVFIGHT::P2_ACTION) && !@f2.attacking? && !@f2.guarding? if @f1.dead? @phase = 2 @victor = @f2 end end def update_common(fighter) fighter.update_fight end #--------| DESTROY def dispose_spriteset @spriteset.dispose end def terminate super dispose_spriteset @f1.on_battle_end @f2.on_battle_end end end # Scene_Kombat < Scene_Base #-------------------------# #---| SPRITESET_ACTORDUEL |------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------# class Spriteset_ActorDuel attr_accessor :viewport3 def initialize create_viewports create_battleback1 create_battleback2 create_fighters create_face1 create_face2 create_bars update end #-------- | CREATE STUFF def create_viewports @viewport1 = @viewport2 = @viewport3 = @viewport1.z = 20 @viewport2.z = 50 @viewport3.z = 150 end def create_battleback1 return if !$game_system.fbacks[0] @back1_sprite = @back1_sprite.bitmap = Cache.battleback1($game_system.fbacks[0]) @back1_sprite.z = -1 center_sprite(@back1_sprite) end def create_battleback2 return if !$game_system.fbacks[1] @back2_sprite = @back2_sprite.bitmap = Cache.battleback2($game_system.fbacks[1]) @back2_sprite.z = 0 center_sprite(@back2_sprite) end def create_fighters @fighters = [] @shadows = [] $game_system.fighters.each { |f| @shadows <<,f) @fighters <<,f) } end def create_face1 face_index = $game_system.fighters[0].face_index @face1 = @face1.bitmap = Cache.face($game_system.fighters[0].face_name) rect = % 4 * 96, face_index / 4 * 96, 96, 96) @face1.src_rect.set(rect) end def create_face2 face_index = $game_system.fighters[1].face_index @face2 = @face2.bitmap = Cache.face($game_system.fighters[1].face_name) rect = % 4 * 96, face_index / 4 * 96, 96, 96) @face2.src_rect.set(rect) @face2.x = Graphics.width - 96 @face2.mirror = true end def create_bars @bar1 = @bar1.bitmap = Cache.system("kombat_bar") rescue Cache.system("") @bar2 = @bar2.bitmap = Cache.system("kombat_bar") rescue Cache.system("") @bar2.x = Graphics.width - @bar2.bitmap.width @bar2.mirror = true end #-------- | UPDATE STUFF def update @fighters.each { |s| s.update } @shadows.each { |s| s.update } @viewport1.update @viewport2.update @viewport3.update update_projectiles end def update_projectiles $game_system.fighters.each { |f| f.fprojectiles.each_with_index { |p,i| if p.finished? p.dispose if !p.nil? p = nil else p.update end } f.fprojectiles.compact! } end #-------- | DESTROY STUFF def dispose dispose_viewports dispose_fighters dispose_background dispose_faces dispose_projectiles end def dispose_viewports @viewport1.dispose @viewport2.dispose @viewport3.dispose end def dispose_fighters @fighters.each { |s| s.dispose } @shadows.each { |s| s.dispose } @bar1.dispose @bar2.dispose end def dispose_background @back1_sprite.dispose if @back1_sprite @back2_sprite.dispose if @back2_sprite end def dispose_faces @face1.dispose @face2.dispose end def dispose_projectiles $game_system.fighters.each { |f| f.fprojectiles.each { |p| p.dispose } } end def center_sprite(sprite) sprite.ox = sprite.bitmap.width / 2 sprite.oy = sprite.bitmap.height / 2 sprite.x = Graphics.width / 2 sprite.y = Graphics.height / 2 end end # Spriteset_ActorDuel #-------------------# #---| SPRITE_FIGHTER |------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------# class Sprite_Fighter < Sprite_Battler def initialize(viewport, battler = nil) super(viewport,battler) init_variables end def init_variables @pattern = 0 @speed_timer = 0 @pose = 0 if $game_system.fighters[0].id == player = 0; opponent = 1 else player = 1; opponent = 0 end @player = $game_system.fighters[player] @opponent = $game_system.fighters[opponent] end def update if @battler.fight_sprite update_bitmap update_pose update_src_rect update_anim update_position update_facing end super end def update_bitmap new_bitmap = Cache.battler(@battler.fight_sprite, @battler.battler_hue) if bitmap != new_bitmap self.bitmap = new_bitmap spritesheet_normal init_visibility self.zoom_x = GALVFIGHT::SIZE self.zoom_y = GALVFIGHT::SIZE end end def spritesheet_normal @cw = bitmap.width / GALVFIGHT::COLS @ch = bitmap.height / GALVFIGHT::ROWS self.ox = @cw / 2 self.oy = @ch end def update_pose if @pose != @battler.fight_pose @pattern = 0 @pose = @battler.fight_pose end end def update_src_rect if @pattern >= GALVFIGHT::COLS @pattern = 0 end sx = @pattern * @cw sy = @battler.fight_pose * @ch self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch) end def update_anim @speed_timer += 1 if @speed_timer > 6 @pattern += 1 @speed_timer = 0 end end def update_facing self.mirror = @player.fight_x > @opponent.fight_x ? false : true end def update_position self.x = @battler.fight_x self.y = @battler.fight_y end def make_animation_sprites @ani_sprites = [] if !@@ani_spr_checker.include?(@animation) 16.times do sprite = sprite.visible = false @ani_sprites.push(sprite) end if @animation.position == 3 @@ani_spr_checker.push(@animation) end end @ani_duplicated = @@ani_checker.include?(@animation) if !@ani_duplicated && @animation.position == 3 @@ani_checker.push(@animation) end end end # Sprite_Fighter < Sprite_Battler #------------------# #---| SPRITE_SHADOW |-------------------------------------------------------- #------------------# class Sprite_FightShadow < Sprite def initialize(viewport, player) super(viewport) @player = player create_shadow end def dispose bitmap.dispose if bitmap super end def update super update_position end def create_shadow self.bitmap = Cache.system("Shadow") self.ox = self.bitmap.width / 2 self.oy = self.bitmap.height self.z = 0 self.zoom_x = GALVFIGHT::SIZE self.zoom_y = GALVFIGHT::SIZE end def update_position self.x = @player.fight_x self.y = GALVFIGHT::Y end end # Sprite_FightShadow < Sprite #-----------------------# #---| WINDOW_FIGHTHEALTH |--------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------# class Window_FightHealth < Window_Base def initialize super(0, 0, Graphics.width, 140) self.opacity = 0 refresh end def player; $game_system.fighters; end def update super refresh end def refresh contents.clear = GALVFIGHT::FONT draw_player1 draw_player2 end def draw_player1 pl = player[0] draw_hp(pl, 100, 15, false) draw_stamina(pl, 100, 40, false) draw_text(100,0,100,line_height,,0) draw_actor_icons(pl, 100, 65, 240) end def draw_player2 pl = player[1] draw_hp(pl, contents.width - 224, 15, true) draw_stamina(pl, contents.width - 224, 40, true) draw_text(contents.width - 200,0,100,line_height,,2) draw_actor_icons(pl, contents.width - 224, 65, 240) end def draw_hp(actor, x, y, r) draw_gauge(x, y, 124, actor.hp_rate, hp_gauge_color1, hp_gauge_color2, r, 12) end def draw_stamina(actor, x, y, r) draw_gauge(x, y, 124, actor.sta_rate, mp_gauge_color1, mp_gauge_color2, r, 6) end def draw_gauge(x, y, width, rate, color1, color2, reverse, height) fill_w = (width * rate).to_i gauge_y = y + line_height - 8 contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, height, gauge_back_color) if reverse contents.gradient_fill_rect(x + width - fill_w, gauge_y, fill_w, height, color1, color2) else contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, gauge_y, fill_w, height, color1, color2) end end end # Window_FightHealth < Window_Base #-----------------# #---| WINDOW_FIGHT |--------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------# class Window_Fight < Window_Base attr_accessor :phase attr_accessor :victor def initialize super(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height) self.opacity = 0 @phase = 0 @timer = 0 end def update case @phase when 0 contents.clear = GALVFIGHT::FONT contents.font.size += 1 draw_text(0,0,width,height,GALVFIGHT::START1,1) when 2 contents.clear = GALVFIGHT::FONT contents.font.size = 80 draw_text(0,0,width,height,GALVFIGHT::START2,1) when 3 contents.clear deactivate when 4 contents.clear contents.font.size = 60 if @victor = GALVFIGHT::FONT txt = + GALVFIGHT::WINS draw_text(0,0,width,height,txt,1) else = GALVFIGHT::FONT draw_text(0,0,width,height,GALVFIGHT::NOWINNER,1) end when 5 contents.clear deactivate end @timer += 1 @phase = 1 if @timer == 40 @phase = 2 if @timer == 100 @phase = 3 if @timer == 130 @phase = 5 if @timer == 300 end def victory(victor) @victor = victor @phase = 4 @timer = 150 activate end end # Window_Fight < Window_Base #------------------------# #---| WINDOW_FIGHTCOMMAND |-------------------------------------------------- #------------------------# class Window_FightCommand < Window_Command def initialize super(Graphics.width / 2 - window_width / 2, Graphics.height / 2 - 80) end def window_width; return 160; end def visible_line_number; return 2; end def make_command_list add_command(GALVFIGHT::CMD_QUIT, :quit, true) add_command(GALVFIGHT::CMD_CANCEL, :cancel, true) end def update; super; end def select_last; select(0); end end # Window_FightCommand < Window_Command #---------------------------# #---| SPRITE_FIGHTPROJECTILE |----------------------------------------------- #---------------------------# class FightProjectile < Sprite_Base attr_accessor :skill def initialize(skill, owner) @owner = owner @target = owner.fight_target @skill = skill super(SceneManager.scene.spriteset.viewport3) init_variables create_bitmap end def init_variables self.x = @owner.fight_x self.y = @owner.fight_y self.opacity = 0 @pattern = 0 @pose = @skill.fproj[0] @speed_timer = 0 @range_limit = @skill.fproj[3] @range = 0 @reach = @skill.fproj[4] end def update update_src_rect update_anim update_position update_hit super end def create_bitmap self.bitmap = Cache.battler(GALVFIGHT::SKILLIMAGE, 0) @cw = bitmap.width / GALVFIGHT::SKILLCOLS @ch = bitmap.height / GALVFIGHT::SKILLROWS self.ox = @cw / 2 self.oy = @ch self.mirror = @owner.fight_x > @target.fight_x ? false : true end def update_src_rect if @pattern >= GALVFIGHT::SKILLCOLS @pattern = 0 end sx = @pattern * @cw sy = @pose * @ch self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch) end def update_anim @speed_timer += 1 if @speed_timer > 6 @pattern += 1 @speed_timer = 0 end end def update_position self.x += self.mirror ? @skill.fproj[1] : -@skill.fproj[1] self.opacity += 20 @range += 1 end def make_animation_sprites @ani_sprites = [] if !@@ani_spr_checker.include?(@animation) 16.times do sprite = sprite.visible = false @ani_sprites.push(sprite) end if @animation.position == 3 @@ani_spr_checker.push(@animation) end end @ani_duplicated = @@ani_checker.include?(@animation) if !@ani_duplicated && @animation.position == 3 @@ani_checker.push(@animation) end end def dispose; super; end def finished?; @range >= @range_limit; end def in_range_x; (@target.fight_x - self.x).abs < @reach; end def in_range_y; (@target.fight_y - self.y).abs < @reach + 60; end def make_contact?; return true if in_range_x && in_range_y; end def update_hit if make_contact? @owner.proj_hit(@skill) @range = @range_limit end end end # FightProjectile < Sprite_Base Demo: Je vous conseil de tester la demo. 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