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 [VX] Porter des équipements visibles

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Habitant Lv.6
Habitant Lv.6

Age : 33
Inscrit le : 03/02/2010
Messages : 127

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles Empty
MessageSujet: [VX] Porter des équipements visibles   [VX] Porter des équipements visibles Icon_minitimeVen 12 Mar 2010 - 17:00

script : Composite Characters / Visual Equipment

Auteur : Modern Algebra

Principe : Grâce à une planche de chara, vous pouvez faire en sorte que les équipements portés soient visibles, en donnant l'index de la planche, son nom et en mettant l'indication dans la base de données de vos armures.

Le script n'est pas traduit (partiel de moi) et donc l'explication est au second post.

Copiez/collez ce script au-dessus de "Main" :


#  Composite Characters / Visual Equipment
#  Version 1.2
#  Author: modern algebra (
#  Date: May 29, 2009
#  Original Release Date: July 5, 2008
#  Instructions:
#    Place this script in between Materials and Main in the script Editor
#    Basically, to work this script you need to do two things. 1) Setup your
#  actors default character sets - you will see a full set of instructions at
#  line xx. Now, to set a graphic for an armor or weapon, all you need to do
#  is place this code in the Notes box of the item:
# Français : Placez ça dans le commentaire de votre armure :
#    \CG[<Name of Character Set>, <index in character set>, <hue>, <z>]
#  \CG[<Nom du chara>, <index dans la grille chara>, <hue>, <z>]
# z représente la priorité de superposition !
#hue représente la couleur ! faites varier le nombre pour voir !  ( de 0 à 255)
#  If you leave out index, it defaults to 0 and if you leave out hue, it also
#  defaults to 0. You can put more than one graphic to an armor or weapon and
#  they will stack by priority (z). Things with lower priority are drawn first.
#    Setting up an Event is similar - all you need to do is place a comment at
#  the very beginning of the event and put in the same code to generate a
#  composite character set for the event. Same rules apply, and remember, you
#  can stack character sets.
#    \cg[Actor1, 2]        # Character Set = Actor1 : index = 2 : hue = 0 : z = 0
#    \CG[Evil]            # Character Set = Evil  : index = 0 : hue = 0 : z = 0
#    \cG[Actor2, 3, 50, 2] # Character Set = Actor2 : index = 3 : hue = 50 : z = 2
#    You can now remove and add graphics to the actor using the following codes
#  in a script call:
#  remove_graphic_from_actor (actor_id, index)
#  remove_graphic_from_actor (actor_id, graphic_name, graphic_index, graphic_hue)
#  add_graphic_to_actor (actor_id, graphic_name, graphic_index, graphic_hue, index)
#  where:
#    actor_id      : the ID of the actor whose graphic you are changing
#    index        : the index of the graphic in the actor's composite_character
#    graphic_name  : the name of the character set
#    graphic_index : the index of the character file in the set
#    graphic_hue  : the hue of the graphic
#    Also, the Change Actor Graphic event command now adds character sets to
#  the current set. You can clear an actor's character set with the code:
#    clear_character_graphic (actor_id)
#  Compatibility:
#    Unfortunately, I did need to overwrite some methods for this script, and
#  as such there are likely to be compatibility problems. I know that my
#  Extra Movement Frames script certainly will not work with this script, and
#  any script that tampers with the way a character set is drawn will also
#  likely encounter problems. Now, this is not to say that any script that
#  draws a character set will be incompatible - as long as that scripter uses
#  the draw_actor_graphic method of Window_Base it should work fine - it is
#  only scripts that change the way a character set is drawn that will cause
#  problems. Also, I tamper with the load_gamedata method of Window_SaveFile,
#  and so if another script overwrites that then there will again be
#  compatibility issues. If you find a script that seems to cause problems,
#  please post at the topic at and I will try my best to assist you.
#    Diedrupo's Caterpillar script does not work immediately. A fix is posted
#  in this script's topic at
#    Tankentai Sideview Battle System will not use composite character sprites
#  without a fix. That fix is also posted in this script's topic at

# *** module Cache
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new method - composite_character

module Cache
  # * Composite Character
  #    char_array : An array holding the names of all parts of a graphic
  #  Composes a single character bitmap out of all the ones given.
  def self.composite_character (char_array)
    @cache = {} if @cache == nil
    # Blank bitmap if there is nothing in the array.
    @cache[char_array] = (32, 32) if char_array.empty?
    # If not in the cache
    if !@cache.include? (char_array) || @cache[char_array].disposed?
      # Create a template bitmap
      bitmap = (32, 32)
      # Add in all other graphics
      char_array.each { |i|
        name, index, hue = i[0], i[1], i[2]
        # Bypass self.character in order to allow for setting hue
        bmp = load_bitmap ("Graphics/Characters/", name, hue)
        sign = name[/^[\!\$]./]
        # Get the width and height of the single character
        if sign != nil && sign.include? ('$')
          wdth, hght = bmp.width, bmp.height
          wdth = bmp.width / 4
          hght = bmp.height / 2
        # Expand bitmap if necessary
        if bitmap.width < wdth || bitmap.height < hght
          # Recreate bitmap
          temp_bmp = bitmap.dup
          bitmap = ([temp_bmp.width, wdth].max, [temp_bmp.height, hght].max)
          bitmap.blt (0, 0, temp_bmp, temp_bmp.rect)
        # Draw new character graphic onto bitmap
        src_rect = ((index%4)*wdth, (index/4)*hght, wdth, hght)
        bitmap.blt (0, 0, bmp, src_rect)
      @cache[char_array] = bitmap
    return @cache[char_array]

# ** RPG::BaseItem
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new method - character_graphics

class RPG::BaseItem
  # * Character Graphics
  #  Retrieves Character Graphics from Note Field
  def character_graphics
    graphics = []
    # Retrieve Note Field
    text = self.note.dup
    while text.sub! (/\\cg\[([^,\]]+),*\s*(\d*),*\s*(\d*),*\s*(\d*)\]/i) { '' } != nil
      a = [$1.to_s, ($2 != nil ? $2.to_i : 0), ($3 != nil ? $3.to_i : 0), ($4 != nil ? $4.to_i : 0)]
      graphics.push (a)
    return graphics

# ** Game_Actor
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new methods - composite_character, clear_character
#    aliased methods - initialize, change_equip, set_graphic
#    new public instance variables - ma_composite_character, ma_return_composite

class Game_Actor
  # * Public Instance Variable
  attr_accessor :ma_composite_character
  attr_accessor :ma_return_composite
  # * Object Initalization
  #  Initializes stacked_character variable
  alias modalg_arclght_vsual_equip_init_4t6h initialize
  def initialize (id)
    # Run Original Method
    modalg_arclght_vsual_equip_init_4t6h (id)
    @ma_composite_character = []
    @ma_return_composite = false
    case @actor_id
    #  An actor will automatically have whatever you set in the database
    #  as a bottom layer for him, but if you need to have other character
    #  sets piled on top, then put them in this format:
    #  when <actor_id>
    #    @ma_composite_character.push (['graphic_name', index, hue, z])
    #      *for as many graphics as you want - first ones drawn first. If you
    #      want to know what each is, see the Instructions in the header.
    #      The z value allows you to set priority. So, something with -1
    #      z will be drawn below anything with a greater z value
    when 1 # 1st Actor :
      # Crée les cheveux
      @ma_composite_character.push (['yhann', 1, 0])
    when 3 # 3rd Actor :
      # Crée la peau du personnage
      @ma_composite_character.push (['yhann', 0, 20])
      # Crée les cheveux du personnage
      @ma_composite_character.push (['yhann', 2, 75])
      @ma_composite_character.push (['yhann', 3, 75])
    @ma_composite_character.each { |i|
      i[1] = 0 if i[1] == nil
      i[2] = 0 if i[2] == nil
      i[3] = 0 if i[3] == nil
    @ma_composite_character.unshift ([@character_name, @character_index, 0, -1]) if @character_name != ''
  # * Get Composite Character
  #  Returns Graphic Array for the actor
  def composite_character
    armor_graphics = []
    weapon_graphics = []
    # Body Armor, then Helmet, then Shield, then all others
    dup_armors = armors.dup
    for i in 0...2
      j = 2 - i
      armor_graphics += dup_armors[j].character_graphics if dup_armors[j] != nil
      dup_armors.delete_at (j)
    # If there is some multi-equip script, will get accessories and rest in order
    dup_armors.each { |armr| armor_graphics += armr.character_graphics if armr != nil }
    weapons.each { |wpn| weapon_graphics += wpn.character_graphics if wpn != nil }
    cg = @ma_composite_character + armor_graphics + weapon_graphics
    cg.sort! { |a, b| a[3] <=> b[3] }
    return cg
  # * Change Graphics
  #    character_name  : new character graphic filename
  #    character_index : new character graphic index
  #    face_name      : new face graphic filename
  #    face_index      : new face graphic index
  alias ma_cgve_st_grphic_evnt_6ht3 set_graphic
  def set_graphic(character_name, character_index, face_name, face_index)
    old_char_name, old_char_index = @character_name, @character_index
    # Run Original Method
    ma_cgve_st_grphic_evnt_6ht3 (character_name, character_index, face_name, face_index)
    # Find old character name
    count = 0
    @ma_composite_character.each { |char|
      count += 1
      break if char[0] == old_char_name && char[1] == old_char_index
    # Put in new character directly after old one
    @ma_composite_character.insert (count, [@character_name, @character_index, 0, -1])
  # * Clear Graphic
  def clear_graphic
    @ma_composite_character.push ([@character_name, @character_index, 0, -1])
  # * Character Name
  alias modrnalgbra_comp_char_retrn_charctrnm_6gd4 character_name
  def character_name
    # If asking for composite character, return it instead
    if @ma_return_composite
      @ma_return_composite = false
      return self.composite_character
    return modrnalgbra_comp_char_retrn_charctrnm_6gd4

# ** Game_Character
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new instance variable - composite_character

class Game_Character
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :composite_character

# ** Game_Event
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased methods - setup

class Game_Event
  # * Event page setup
  alias malgbr_rclgh_req_comp_char_setup_5msk setup
  def setup(new_page)
    malgbr_rclgh_req_comp_char_setup_5msk (new_page)
    # Create Composite Character
    @composite_character = []
    @composite_character.push ([@character_name, @character_index, 0, -1]) unless @character_name.nil?
    # If page == nil, return
    return if @page == nil
    # Retrieve  first line comments
    comments = []
    @page.list.each { |i| i.code == 108 || i.code == 408 ? comments.push (i) : break }
    # Evaluate comments for \CG codes
    comments.each { |i|
      text = i.parameters[0].dup
      while text.sub! (/\\cg\[([^,\]]+),*\s*(\d*),*\s*(\d*),*\s*(\d*)\]/i) { '' } != nil
        a = [$1.to_s, ($2 != nil ? $2.to_i : 0), ($3 != nil ? $3.to_i : 0), ($4 != nil ? $4.to_i : 0)]
        @composite_character.push (a)
    # Sort Composite Characters by z value.
    @composite_character.sort! { |a, b| a[3] <=> b[3] }

# ** Game_Player
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - refresh

class Game_Player
  # * Refresh
  alias mdalg_arc_comp_character_find_rfrsh_8kwi refresh
  def refresh
    return if $game_party.members.empty?
    @composite_character = $game_party.members[0].composite_character

# ** Game_Interpreter
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new method - clear_character_graphic

class Game_Interpreter
  # * Clear Character Graphic
  #    actor_id : the ID of the actor to be cleared
  def clear_character_graphic (actor_id)
  # * Remove Graphic From Character
  #    actor_id : the ID of the actor
  def remove_graphic_from_actor (actor_id, *args)
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    if args[0].is_a? (Integer)
      index = args[0]
      index = 0
      # Find index of the specified character set
      for composite in actor.ma_composite_character
        if (args[0] != nil || args[0] == composite[0]) &&
            (args[1] != nil || args[1] == composite[1]) &&
            (args[2] != nil || args[2] == composite[2])
        index += 1
    # Delete graphic from array
    actor.ma_composite_character.delete_at (index)
    return index
  # * Add Graphic To Character
  #    actor_id                        : the ID of the actor
  #    char_name, char_index, char_hue : character graphic specifications
  #    index                          : where to insert the new graphic
  def add_graphic_to_actor (actor_id, char_name, char_index = 0, char_hue = 0, z = 0, index = nil)
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    index = actor.ma_composite_character.size if index.nil?
    actor.ma_composite_character.insert (index, [char_name, char_index, char_hue, z])

# ** Sprite_Character
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - update_bitmap

class Sprite_Character
  # * Update Transfer Origin Bitmap
  alias modern_alg_arclightrequest_visual_equip_bmp_update update_bitmap
  def update_bitmap
    if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
      @character_name != @character.character_name or
      @character_index != @character.character_index ||
      @composite_character != @character.composite_character
      @tile_id = @character.tile_id
      @character_name = @character.character_name
      @character_index = 0
      @composite_character = @character.composite_character
      if @tile_id > 0
        sx = (@tile_id / 128 % 2 * 8 + @tile_id % 8) * 32;
        sy = @tile_id % 256 / 8 % 16 * 32;
        self.bitmap = tileset_bitmap(@tile_id)
        self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, 32, 32)
        self.ox = 16
        self.oy = 32
        if @composite_character == nil
          # Regular Character Picture
          self.bitmap = Cache.character(@character_name)
          sign = @character_name[/^[\!\$]./]
          if sign != nil and sign.include?('$')
            @cw = bitmap.width / 3
            @ch = bitmap.height / 4
            @cw = bitmap.width / 12
            @ch = bitmap.height / 8
          self.bitmap = Cache.composite_character(@composite_character)
          @cw = self.bitmap.width / 3
          @ch = self.bitmap.height / 4
          self.ox = @cw / 2
          self.oy = @ch
  # * Update Transfer Origin Rectangle
  def update_src_rect
    if @tile_id == 0
      index = 0
      pattern = @character.pattern < 3 ? @character.pattern : 1
      sx = (index % 4 * 3 + pattern) * @cw
      sy = (index / 4 * 4 + (@character.direction - 2) / 2) * @ch
      self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)

# ** Window_Base
#  Summary of Changes:
#    overwritten method - draw_character_graphic

class Window_Base 
  # * Draw Actor Walking Graphic
  #    actor : actor or comp character array
  #    x    : draw spot x-coordinate
  #    y    : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
    composite_character = actor.is_a? (Array) ? actor : actor.composite_character
    bitmap = Cache.composite_character (composite_character)
    cw = bitmap.width / 3
    ch = bitmap.height / 4
    rect = (cw, 0, cw, ch)
    self.contents.blt (x - (cw / 2), y - ch, bitmap, rect)

# ** Window_SaveFile
#  Summary of Changes:
#    overwritten_methods - draw_party_characters

class Window_SaveFile < Window_Base
  # * Draw Party Characters
  #    x : Draw spot X coordinate
  #    y : Draw spot Y coordinate
  def draw_party_characters(x, y)
    for i in 0...@characters.size
      draw_actor_graphic (@characters[i][0], x + i * 48, y)

# ** Scene_File
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - write_save_data

class Scene_File
  # * Write Save Data
  alias modrnbra_wrt_svdata_comp_chactes_63gb5 write_save_data
  def write_save_data (*args)
    # Set it to return composite characters
    $game_party.members.each { |actor| actor.ma_return_composite = true }
    # Run Original Method
    modrnbra_wrt_svdata_comp_chactes_63gb5 (*args)

# ** Scene_Equip (For compatibility with KGC
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - terminate

class Scene_Equip
  # * Terminate
  #    updates game_player equipment
  alias modalg_trmnte_cg_equipment_k8g9c terminate
  def terminate
    # RUn Original Method

Dernière édition par yhann le Ven 12 Mar 2010 - 17:22, édité 2 fois
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Habitant Lv.6
Habitant Lv.6

Age : 33
Inscrit le : 03/02/2010
Messages : 127

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [VX] Porter des équipements visibles   [VX] Porter des équipements visibles Icon_minitimeVen 12 Mar 2010 - 17:00

Fonctionnement :

Ressources :

La planche chara de moi ^^ (à mettre dans : graphic/character)

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles 1268461039_yhann

Nommez cette ressource "yhann"
(désolé, j'ai adapté XD, j'aurais pas du mais retrouve plus l'ancienne version...)

Placez un commentaire comme celui-là dans une armure :

\CG[Nom du chara, index dans la grille chara, hue, z]

z= hauteur de la couche (-1 c'est la peau !)
hue= fait varier la couleur de l'élément (0 à 255 je crois)

Exemple :


( =>ici mon chara sera un homme au cheveux blanc avec une armure verte.)
( Par defaut hue=0 et z=0)


Screens :

Equipement de l'armure :

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles 1268461917_Screen01


[VX] Porter des équipements visibles 1268461928_Screen02

Dernière édition par yhann le Ven 12 Mar 2010 - 17:38, édité 1 fois
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Chevalier Lv.17
Chevalier Lv.17

Masculin Age : 31
Inscrit le : 27/04/2008
Messages : 1835

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [VX] Porter des équipements visibles   [VX] Porter des équipements visibles Icon_minitimeVen 12 Mar 2010 - 17:32

yhann a écrit:
hue= hauteur de la couche (-1 c'est la peau !)
z= fait varier la couleur de l'élément (0 à 255 je crois)

Ce serait pas plutôt l'inverse? =°

Je connaissais déjà le script, en tout cas merci, il est vraiment puissant Surprised
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Habitant Lv.6
Habitant Lv.6

Age : 33
Inscrit le : 03/02/2010
Messages : 127

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [VX] Porter des équipements visibles   [VX] Porter des équipements visibles Icon_minitimeVen 12 Mar 2010 - 17:39

Bonne remarque ^^, c'est corrigé, je l'avais bien écrit dans le script mais pas dans mon post, enfin là l'intérêt c'est que je vais me mettre à produire des ressources (chose essentielle !)
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Masculin Age : 42
Inscrit le : 26/05/2008
Messages : 2360

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [VX] Porter des équipements visibles   [VX] Porter des équipements visibles Icon_minitimeVen 12 Mar 2010 - 18:18

Je vais avouer que je n'avais pas pensé à la superposition des sprites dans mes projets de "costumes/métamorphose", c'est une très bonne idée (surtout si ce sont des personnages "fait par le joueur" au préalable). Merci du partage. Je vais probablement l'adapter pour une utilisation légèrement différente.
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Poulet carnivore Lv.2
Poulet carnivore Lv.2

Masculin Age : 28
Inscrit le : 04/02/2012
Messages : 23

[VX] Porter des équipements visibles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [VX] Porter des équipements visibles   [VX] Porter des équipements visibles Icon_minitimeMer 28 Mar 2012 - 19:55

Salut sa a lair super mais jai un probleme avec plusieur scripts :

Je fait copier/coller mais sa va tout sur la premiere ligne et sa marche pas

Du coup , plein de scripts que je veut ne marchent pas -_-
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MessageSujet: Re: [VX] Porter des équipements visibles   [VX] Porter des équipements visibles Icon_minitime

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[VX] Porter des équipements visibles

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